Fill your freezer with a nutrient dense, pasture raised pork or beef share

✓ Customize your pork or beef share with your family's favorite cuts of meat

✓ Accommodate your family's eating habits and diet preferences

✓ Our best price when you purchase in bulk

How Ordering a Pork or Beef Share Works

Place your pre-order

Choose a pasture raised meat share and your preferred butcher date. Your deposit will be charged immediately.

Fill out your cut sheet

A week before your butcher date, we will send you a cut sheet and help you fill it out to meet your family's preferences and eating habits.


Approximately 4 weeks after your butcher date (depending on if you request anything smoked or cured), we will charge your remaining balance and deliver your order.

Pork Shares

Custom Cut Half Hog

Avg. Hanging Wt. 95 lbs

Estimated Final Price $692.55
Reserve yours with $200 deposit

Save $1.00 /lb.
$7.29 /lb.
$8.29 /lb.
Avg. 95 lb.

Custom Cut Whole Hog

Avg. Hanging Wt. 185 lbs

Estimated Final Price $1,293.15
Reserve yours with $500 deposit

Save $1.30 /lb.
$6.99 /lb.
$8.29 /lb.
Avg. 185 lb.

Beef Shares

1/4 Beef Box

Avg. Take-Home Wt. 90 lbs

Reserve yours with $250 deposit

Save $25.00

Custom Cut Half Beef

Avg. Hanging Wt. 340 lbs

Estimated Final Price $2,975
Reserve yours with $500 deposit

Save $0.33 /lb.
$8.75 /lb.
$9.08 /lb.
Avg. 340 lb.

Custom Cut Whole Beef

Avg. Hanging Wt. 680 lbs

Estimated Final Price $5,780
Reserve yours with $1000 deposit

Save $0.58 /lb.
$8.50 /lb.
$9.08 /lb.
Avg. 680 lb.

What is Included in the Price

Hauling your animal from our farm to our state inspected butcher.

Basic butchering and vacuum sealed packaging.

Delivery of your packaged meat up to 50 miles from the farm in Sealy.

Common Questions

What is included?

The price includes basic butchering and vacuum sealed packaging. For any additional processing or curing (like bacon, ham, sausage, snack sticks…), we simply pass through the cost that our butcher charges. Delivery up to 50 miles from the farm in Sealy is included.

Do I get to choose which cuts to get?

For half and whole shares, yes, you will choose which cuts to get. We will work with you to fill out a cut sheet that tells the butchers what cuts you want from each area of the animal. Here is a sample beef cut sheet and a sample pork cut sheet.

For the Quarter Beef, we have a standard cut sheet so that we can evenly divide cuts you receive. The product description details what you will receive.

What is hanging weight?

Hanging weight is the weight of the carcass after the animal has been slaughtered, blood drained, head, hide, feet, entrails and organs removed. The hanging weight is the most consistent way to measure the carcass before customizing the cuts.

How many pounds of meat will I receive?

For pork shares, the take-home yield is usually between 70%-72% of the hanging weight. That means a whole hog with a hanging weight of 180 lbs would yield about 126-129 lbs of take-home meat. A half hog would be half of that, about 63-64.5 lbs of take-home meat.

For beef shares, the take-home yield is usually between 65%-67% of the hanging weight. That means a whole beef with a hanging weight of 600 lbs would yield about 390-402 lbs of take-home meat. A half beef would be half of that, about 195-201 lbs of take-home meat.

What does that much meat look like?

For pork shares, check out the Half Hog Walkthrough Video I posted to Facebook where I go through the coolers and boxes that it fills. (A Whole Hog would be twice that amount.)

And for beef shares, here is the Quarter Beef Walkthrough Video that I posted to Facebook that goes through the cuts in the coolers. (A Half Beef would be twice that amount, and a Whole Beef would be four times that amount.)

How does delivery work?

Once our butcher notifies us that your meat is ready (approximately 4 weeks after the butcher date), we will contact you to arrange a delivery time and place. We will deliver your meat share up to 50 miles from the farm in Sealy. We will arrive with your meat packed into coolers. Working with you, we will help transfer the meat to your freezer.